In 2002 the company changed direction and we started photographing dogs at Dog Shows. Sande started showing in the 60's with Dobermans in confirmation and obedience including a High In Trial. After joining the company and marrying Tom she continued to show, including Italian Greyhounds, Chinese Chrested and Chihuahuas including a number of Top 5's in Chinese Chresteds and Chihuahuas. They now live with a doberman, Nadine and and Penny the Havanese.
Melanie Hess is our production manager, behind the scenes and has been with us for over 20 years. Some of you have met her at Nationals where she helps us out. She is also the one to make sure you get your prints. Melanie and her husband Dan own two Cane Corsos named Max and Mandy.
We all strive to capture the essence and personality of each dog we photograph.
We don't have them long enough -Put your love for your Dog on display.